Saturday, May 11, 2013

Farhan Akhtar - No Logic, No Lakshya

I won't be surprised if contraceptive brands start endorsing rape in coming days with a louche tagline like 'You are not safe, but you don't have to be sorry'. And that seems no far fetched.

Do we have any idea what a rape victim goes through in this lawless, spineless nation? It is a term we throw away as loosely as the number of times it happens in our country. The sensitivity of the issue has eroded, what has settled in is jingoism and now commercialization that has made it ‘just-another-crime’.

And my fury is directed towards the gentleman named Farhan Akhtar,  a noted filmmaker of India whose craft has impressed many including me. However, it seems that Mr Farhan Akhtar has taken his wit and humor a way to seriously to have launched a disgraceful campaign to prevent rape. He calls it MARD – Men Against Rape and Discrimination. It could easily stand for Men Against Rationale and Discernment. 

Hundreds have become a victim of this heinous crime ever since this initiative has been launched.  Have we heard Farhan Akhtar coming out against at least 5 such cases? NO! Have we seen him meet the families and offer support? NO!  So what has been keeping our Man With a Mission Busy? 

Farhan has basically turned into a classier version of the sales guys we see in the Mumbai local trains. His marketing gimmicks for the initiative are no lesser than your bhaji wala’s ; desperate for attention. “Mooche le loooooooooooooo, T-shirt- le looooooooooooo, Par Ladki ki Mat loooooooooooo” 

Seriously Farhan? 

Let us closely consider the “efforts” the guy is taking to educate the masses. When I noticed this I wanted to slap Farhan Akhtar for his insensitivity and callousness regarding rape. 

1)      Nowhere in the website of MARD does it mention what work they have done till date. What it mentions is ‘Buy Our Merchandise’ They could sell their mugs and caps before they could actually start working for this initiative. March till May all you did was campaign promotions and no work? Then you are definitely USELESS.

2)      News and Gallery section is all gaga over how Farhan is the savior of women by coming up with this brilliant idea. Bitch Please!

3)      How do you become the catalyst of change? What is Farhan’s earnest plea? Change your Display Pic to MARD logo.

4)      His Tweets are only for campaign promotion purpose. If the rape isn’t brutal he won’t talk about it? Bollywood seems to support him, which he enthusiastically retweets to his followers without fail. Thik hai, kar lo promote. But again my question is kaam kya kiya hai boss?

5)       Rapists belong to no particular strata of society. Why do you only speak to the ‘educated masses with high disposable income’ Farhan? You have rubbed shoulders with Sunil Gavaskar, Shah Rukh Khan, Preity Zinta to talk about your initiative. Why do you not stand with the common man when you are facing the media? Do we stink of logic? The dhobi wala, the watchman, the servants don’t have a Twitter or a Facebook account, does it not concern you to talk to them in their language and not recite the poem in your each and every interview?

6)      Why do you sell the T-shirts? If wearing the T-shirt brings in the change why don’t you just give them away for free? Symbols like T-shirts and bands connote solidarity for a cause. Having said that, does it bring the attitudinal change that we are looking at? Does your T-shirt have the ability to transform the person into a superhero? If it does, kindly don’t share this merchandise with all men. You never know which one may misuse the superpowers he possesses after wearing the T and ends up raping more women.

Farhan, if at all you want to do something for this stay away from making it a commercial entity. Our lives are tough, all we are asking is respect it. Don’t make a mockery out of the victims. The moustaches you sell are anyway so scary they remind me of Raavan who allegedly kidnapped Sita. All the more reason to steer clear of those who wear it.  This hideous stereotypical idea to portray masculinity I believe is given you by JWT. Didn’t you realize all the while when you were trying to fight the prevailing notions of masculinity you were actually being a personified stereotype yourself?  

Although Thank You for coming up with something, I wish you could put in some amount of intelligence before taking it up. Your intentions are respected, your methods are not. Please stick to making movies, use them as the platform to fight against social injustice. But oh! You may not because these issues don’t get you moolah at the box office. 

As far as the female protection is concerned you have made our jobs easier. We know we have to stay away from anyone who is sporting MARD T and a moustache.